Frequenty Asked Questions
Some common questions from Reshod® users.
Have a question you don’t see the answer to? Contact us here.
How much do they weigh?
The shoes are sold in Unisex sizes. A men’s US9 Pushover® weights 10.6 ounces (299g), while the Coach Carmen® weights 8.6 ounces (244g).
Can I wear my orthotics with Reshod Walking Shoes?
If you generally wear over-the-counter orthotics and experience discomfort or stability problems, consider trying your Reshod Walking Shoes without them for a while. Most over-the-counter footbeds and inserts provide the same support as the midsole unit, and the extra weight and height of the extra insert can be too much. However, if you have been prescribed a specific orthotic for a leg length discrepancy or other unique issue, keep using them. They will fit just fine in your Reshod Walking Shoes.
How long will it take to adjust to my Reshod Walking Shoes?
Reshod Walking Shoes may encourage the activation of dormant or weak muscles, so as with anything new, we recommend an adjustment period of one to two weeks before you try to race in them. Use your whole foot when you walk – land on the back of your heel and be sure to roll all the way over onto your toes with each stride. When you do, you’ll notice these shoes drive you forward, allowing you to take a longer or more powerful stride. Be sure to stretch well before and after your workout.
How long will my Reshod shoes last?
The midsole components are designed to last the same amount of time as a traditional training athletic shoe, which is 400-600 miles or 6 months, depending on how many miles you log per week. However, a visual inspection is the best indicator. Check the tread of the outsole. If you have worn down the lugs, that’s a good sign it’s time for a new pair. Another clue is that you’re not getting that “bounce in your step” anymore. Maybe your legs feel more fatigued then usual. One way to increase the longevity of your shoes is to buy two pair and rotate them. This gives the foam more time to relax back to it’s original shape.
Can I resole my Reshod shoes?
YES! The midsole is a die cut and buff construction, with no molded parts, so you can drop them off at any local shoe repair shop to have just the heel section repaired or the entire outsole replaced. The Pushover training shoe uses a stock Vibram outsole (Link 586) which the shoe repair may have on hand. The outsole on the Coach Carmen Racewalk shoe is not available at the retail level, so you’ll need to choose something similar. If the heel section has worn down, it can be rebuilt, since we use a standard EVA foam which is common to the shoe repair industry. Prices vary, but in Portland, Oregon, a heel replacement is $30 and a full outsole replacement is $65 – $70. NOTE: The toe foam is not replaceable, so if you’ve worn through that section, you’ll need to replace the entire outsole ASAP.
Is it okay to throw these in the washing machine?
We recommend washing these shoes by hand only.
Are they waterproof?
No, but they are very water-resilient. If you’d like to reduce water permeability, you can use a spray protector designed for textile material, as Reshod Walking Shoes do not contain leather or suede in the upper material.
If you have any other questions about our Reshod Walking Shoes, please contact us.
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- 16055 SW Walker Rd. PMB 112, Beaverton, Oregon 97006 USA
- (503) 349-7704
© 2023 Reshod Walking Shoes, LLC